For further help, please visit our Community Pages for more tips, suggestions and Q&A from the Parchment Digitary Services Community or to submit your own request.
My eQuals FAQs for Learners
Accessing My eQuals Documents
Sharing My eQuals Documents
Managing My eQuals Account
Parchment Digitary Services FAQs for Learners
Accessing my Documents
- ★ Can I upload my own documents to Parchment Digitary Services?
- ★ Why can't I see my documents?
- ★ I’m still waiting for my document to be issued, what can I do?
- ★ My document content is not correct, who do I contact?
- ★ I didn't receive an email notification that my document was ready to be picked up
- ★ What do I do if my education provider account has expired or I can no longer access my email?
Sharing my Documents
- ★ What are all the ways that I can share my documents?
- How do I share a document with an employer or interested third party by email?
- Can I create a share where no email or PIN is required to view my document?
- How do I create and share a Curated Profile?
- How do I share a document with a registered organisation on Digitary?
- How do I share my documents with WES or another institution or university?
Managing my Account
- ★ How do I merge an institution account into my existing account?
- ★ How can I combine and merge my two accounts into one?
- ★ How do I link another email to my account?
- Why can't I remove my primary email?
- How can I change my primary email account?
- How do I link my account to my education provider account?
FAQs for Verifiers
Verifying Documents
- I am being asked to enter a PIN to view a shared document, but I haven't received a PIN?
- How do I receive or request digital documents?
- I expect to receive many shared documents, is there another way to receive large numbers of documents?
- How secure are digital documents?
- Are Parchment documents legally admissible?
- What do I see if the document is not valid?